Friday, February 28, 2014

Paper Poppies Craft

Does this poppy look real to you?
Would you believe it's made from paper napkins from the Dollar Store?
This craft is one of my favorites. It's simple enough for children to make, and priced to fit any budget. 
The result? Happiness and a smile.
These napkin flowers are perfect decorations for just about any occasion. Bridal Shower... Baby Shower...Birthday party.... You name it. 
I hosted a craft party at my home recently with a group of other parents. Together we made an assortment of colorful bouquets that will grace tables and halls during our local elementary school Art Show.
Read on for a list of supplies and instructions.

Supplies Needed.

All of the supplies below can be purchased from the Dollar Store.
  • 5x5 napkins for center of flower. Your choice of color.
  • Larger napkins for the petals of the flowers.
  • Green pipe cleaners, or floral picks (one per flower).
  • Bamboo skewers (one per flower).
  • Tissue paper in your choice of color.
  • Vase.
  • Scissors.
  • Green floral tape.

Begin by cutting the borders off  from one black napkin (about one inch). This black napkin will be used for the center of the flower.
Snip along the edges of the folded black napkin like so to create a fringe.
Be careful NOT to cut along the folded sides.
Unfold the black napkin.
Next, open 2 or 3 other napkins (pink color in this case) and place on top of each other.
Position the black napkin in the center.
Fold all napkins accordian style.
Pinch the napkins in the center.
Wrap the wire from a floral pick around the center. You could also use a green pipe cleaner.
Round off the ends of the folded napkins.
 It doesn't have to be perfect.
Do both sides.
Once you have trimmed the ends of the napkin, begin to open the flower.
 I scrunch up the center of the flower. It gives it a more realistic, and less perfect look which I like.
 Gently unfold the pink petals one layer at a time.

Wrap the floral pick or bamboo skewer with green floral tape. Stick it in your choice of vase and voila!
 You can put tissue paper in a glass vase to add further interest and color.

Below are some images of real poppies to help give you inspiration!
